Методический сундучок
Mishina Svetlana Vladimirovna, senior educator
Merenyukova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, psychologist
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- СДВГ воспитателям | Детский сад № 59
Basic rules of behavior for a teacher with a preschooler with ADHD. Children with ADHD receive much more criticism and reproaches from adults than their normotypical peers and even peers with other types of behavioral disorders. This negative feedback does not produce any beneficial outcome. On the contrary, the child's emotional distress, protest behavior is growing, his status among peers is deteriorating. At the same time, educators begin to think that the child is behaving in such a spite, incorrigible and deserves punishment. To make interaction with such a pupil easier, which means to help not only him, but also themselves, educators must follow these rules. Rule 1. Remember that attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity disorder are not related to the peculiarities of upbringing, the character of the child, his attitude to an adult or a situation: he cannot do otherwise. The child is not to blame for being inattentive, restless and disinhibited. This is a feature of the work of his nervous system. Therefore, the teacher should not judge the child's behavior as a manifestation of his "ill will." A reminder for educators on raising children with ADHD. Rule 1. Give hyperactive children the task to move in the morning. Before kindergarten or early in the morning in a group, a child with ADHD needs to move actively and freely for 10-15 minutes. These children usually do not like exercise, but they like free physical activity. You can dance, hang on the wall bars, play the ball, play ninja. Movements should be free, such as the child himself wants. Rule 2. Every 10-15 minutes, instruct the child with ADHD to do something that will require him to actively move. For example, bring pencils, wash your drawing board. The teacher should allow the child to run, do push-ups, roll head over heels on the carpet. You can even ask to show "tricks" for others. This will help a child with ADHD relieve motor tension and become more controllable and alert. Making you sit still and not fuss will only get worse. Rule 3. Offer the child to sit in a secluded corner when he is strongly disinhibited and active. The fewer the stimuli, the easier it is to calm down and slow down, so it is helpful for a child with ADHD to take pauses in a relaxing setting. At the same time, the offer to stay in a secluded corner should never look like a punishment. Rule 4 . Draw up visual memos in the group with the rules for completing daily tasks. For example, the algorithm for collecting outside in the pictures, the rules of behavior during meals. The provider should silently point a child with ADHD to the reminder if they are unable to concentrate. Rule 5. Make sure that the group is ventilated and there is drinking water. If the child is noisy, is running around, the best way in this situation for the teacher is to offer him a drink, ask him to look out the window. Rule 6. Carefully arrange materials and toys in a group. The chaos in the room increases the disinhibition and inattention of children. Therefore, the teacher should place toys, paper, stationery so that children can immediately see where what is, and can easily get them and put them away. Rule 7. Alternate types of activities with children at least once every 20 minutes. For example, we talked, played, painted, moved, free play. Rule 8. Every 15-20 minutes, pause for 2-3 minutes. At this time, the teacher can let the child move, drink water, talk with other children. Rule 9. Give short, understandable tasks. The teacher should speak briefly, divide the task into parts. Rule 10. Play games with your child that require attention and perseverance. It is better to start with the simplest ones: "edible - inedible", "yes - no, do not say, do not wear black - white", "show all the objects ... colors", " count all the crows we meet ”, board games. A reminder of what other games to play with children with ADHD is at the end of the article. Rule 11 . Give the child the opportunity to relieve motor tension. Every day, he should be able to run, climb, explore the space. He needs the ability to move calmly. The teacher must remember: children rest differently than adults. While adults often need to sit, children need to move.
- Умелые ручки | Детский сад № 59
Crazy hands Paper kitty Step by step master class Craft "Toy Soldiers" Paper rabbit Paper teapots and cups with various types of paintings (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo, Gorodets and Zhostovskaya) Craft ideas for dads by February 23 Craft ideas for dads by February 23 Craft ideas for dads by February 23
- Воспитателю по обучению татарскому языку | Детский сад № 59
Tatar language teacher Пригодится в работе Competition "The best master class of a teacher in teaching the Tatar language" One of the best was recognized as the master class of the teacher of preschool educational institution No. 81 of the Kirov district of Kazan Competition "The best master class of a teacher in teaching the Tatar language" One of the best was recognized as the master class of the teacher of preschool educational institution No. 81 of the Kirov district of Kazan Competition "The best master class of a teacher in teaching the Tatar language" One of the best was recognized as the master class of the teacher of preschool educational institution No. 81 of the Kirov district of Kazan Competition "The best master class of a teacher in teaching the Tatar language" One of the best was recognized as the master class of the teacher of preschool educational institution No. 81 of the Kirov district of Kazan Competition "The best master class of a teacher in teaching the Tatar language" One of the best was recognized as the master class of the teacher of preschool educational institution No. 81 of the Kirov district of Kazan
- Творческая группа | Детский сад № 59
Творческая группа проекта МАДОУ "Детский сад № 59 комбинированного вида" Советского района г. Казани Мишина Светлана Владимировна, руководитель группы Меренюкова Екатерина Александровна, педагог-психолог Гибадуллина Гульсиня Багдануровна, воспитатель Платонова Наталья Викторовна, воспитатель Чугунова Надежда Валерияновна, воспитатель Сергеева Наталья Александровна, заведующий
- Страничка логопеда | Детский сад № 59
- Светлана Владимировна | Детский сад № 59
About Us Senior kindergarten teacher Education: higher pedagogical. Kazan State Pedagogical University, 1998. Specialty: physics Qualification: teacher of physics and computer science Position: senior educator Professional retraining: Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan), 2014 Direction of retraining: "Pedagogy and psychology of preschool education" Total experience: 23 years Teaching experience : 23 years In current position: since August 2020 Nursery-kindergarten "Kids". This is the text. Click once and select "Edit Text" or just double click to add your own text and customize the font. You can move it anywhere on the page. Tell your site visitors about yourself. The text about your company and services will look good here. Use this opportunity to profitably present yourself and your company to clients. Tell an interesting story, such as how you came up with the idea of your own business, and explain what your advantage over the competition is. Use fascinating facts and figures to be remembered. Do not forget about the keywords by which your site will be found in search engines. Our templates allow you to create great websites. We thank you for your support, feedback and suggestions to help make the Wix website builder even better. Come to our forum, share your opinion and ask questions. To get help with working on the site, click on the "?" in the upper right corner of the editor. Here you will find instructional videos, detailed instructions and answers to many questions. Read the Wix Blog for a ton of helpful tips on building and developing a website, as well as some fun observations about networking. If you don't have time at all, you can use the services of our professional designers in the dedicated section of Wix Arena. My achievements
- Методическая литература для специалистов | Детский сад № 59
Для музыкального руководителя Джульетта Алвин Смотреть Музыкальная терапия для детей с аутизмом Музыкальное и аутичное поведение, контакт с инструментами, духовные инструменты, музыкальное развитие Джульетта Алвин, Эриел Уорик Смотреть Музыкальная терапия для детей с аутизмом В книге подробно описаны конкретные методики работы музыкального терапевта с детьми с различной степенью выраженности аутизма О.В.Клезович Смотреть Музыкальные игры и упражнения для развития и коррекции речи Пособие посвящено интеграции музыкальной деятельности в практику коррекционно-педагогической работы и представлено коррекционно-развивающими играми, способствующими повышению уровня речевого и музыкального развития детей. Н.Кононова Смотреть Коррекция нарушенных функций у детей с церебральным параличом средствами музыки Даются рекомендации, как с помощью музыки достичь определенных результатов коррекции речи и движения ребенка, в его раскрепощении, развитии познавательной активности и самостоятельности. Е.Н.Котышева Смотреть Музыкальная коррекция детей с ограниченными возможностями В данном пособии представлена авторская программа музыкальной коррекции детей с ОВЗ Е.А.Медведева Смотреть Музыкальное воспитание детей с проблемами в развитии и коррекционная ритмика В пособии раскрываются как общие подходы к музыкальному воспитанию детей с различными отклонениями в развитии, так и специфические особенности содержания и организации коррекционной работы средствами музыки. Л.В.Лобода Смотреть Музыкальные занятия и логоритмика для детей с синдромом Дауна Данное пособие содержит краткое изложение сути логоритмических занятий с детьми с синдромом Дауна. Н.В.Нищева, Л.Б.Гавришева Смотреть Новые логопедические распевки, музыкальная пальчиковая гимнастика, подвижные игры Распевки могут использоваться по прямому назначению на музыкальных занятиях, а также в качестве физкультминуток на занятиях других специалистов Т.Овчинникова Смотреть Пение и логопедия Учебно-методическое пособие для педагогов, логопедов и музыкальных руководителей Т.И.Сакулина Смотреть Практический материал для логоритмических занятий Занятия логоритмикой с детьми, имеющими слуховые, речевые, двигательные и интеллектуальные нарушения, способствуют решению многих коррекционных задач. Для физинструктора В.В.Горелик Смотреть Адаптивная физическая культура и спорт для лиц с нарушением интеллекта Учебно-методическое пособие Л.В.Токарская, Н.А.Дубровина Смотреть Особенности преподавания физической культуры детям и подросткам с умеренной и тяжелой умственной отсталостью В учебном пособии дана психолого-педагогическая характеристика детей и подростков с умственной отсталостью, показаны особенности личности таких детей, а также специфика их физического развития и двигательных способностей. М.Ю.Гайнутдинова Смотреть Специальная методика физического воспитания Учебно-методическое пособие М.А.Морозов, О.А.Панова Смотреть Физическая культура для детей с легкой умственной отсталостью Методические рекомендации Дэвид Геслак Смотреть Адаптивная физкультура для детей с аутизмом Методические основы и базовый комплекс упражнений для увеличения физической активности детей и подростков с РАС Работа с родителями О.В.Бачина, Л.Н.Самородова Смотреть Вздаимодействие логопеда и семьи ребенка с недостатками речи В пособии рассматриваются вопросы психолого-педагогического взаимодействия ДОУ и семьи в целях преодоления имеющихся у ребенка нарушений речевого развития. Т.П.Елисеева Смотреть Детский сад и семья: современные формы взаимодействия Учебно-методическое пособие в помощь педагогам А.Р.Маллер Смотреть Помощь детям с недостатками развития В пособии представлена современная система помощи детям с интеллектуальными нарушениями.Главное внимание отводится педагогической работе с такими детьми в семье. Найджел Латта Смотреть Прежде чем ребенок сведет вас с ума Профессиональные секреты Е.Лютова, Г.Монина Смотреть Шпаргалка для родителей Книга поможет воспитателям научиться понимать "сложных" детей, выбирать оптимальные способы взаимодействия с ними. Е.М.Мастюкова, А.Г.Московкина Смотреть Семейное воспитание детей с отклонениями в развитии Учебное пособие содержит сведения о современных технологиях воспитания в семье ребенка с отклонениями в развитии: сенсорными нарушениями, интеллектуальной недостаточностью, речевыми растройствами и т.д. Сенсорика Марианна Бруни Смотреть Формирование навыков мелкой моторики у детей с синдромом Дауна Руководство для родителей и специалистов А.И.Титарь Смотреть Игровые развивающие занятия в сенсорной комнате Представлены комплексы упражнений с детьми от рождения до 4-х лет, содержатся практические рекомендации по использованию оборудования сенсорной комнаты. Дидактическая игра Смотреть Кто что ест? Игры с прщепками Т.В.Лисовская, В.Л.Тучковская Смотреть Тетрадь по сенсорному развитию Цвет О.А.Зажигина Смотреть Игры для развития мелкой моторики рук с использованием нестандартного оборудования Представлены игры, которые стимулируют умственную деятельность детей, повышают общий тонус, снижают психоэмоциональное напряжение и способствуют хорошему эмоциональному настрою. Л.И.Плаксина Смотреть Развитие зрительного восприятия в процессе предметного рисования у детей с нарушением зрения Учебно-методическое пособие Дидактическая игра Смотреть Игры с прищепками Алфавит Т.А.Арзамасова, Е.Н.Трубина Смотреть Формирование представлений о сенсорных эталонах у детей дошкольного возраста с нарушениями зрения Программа направлена на развитие познавательной деятельности детей с нарушениями зрения через формирование у них представлений о сенсорных эталонах с использованием эффективных средств, форм и инновационных методов работы. Т.А.Грищенко Смотреть Сенсорное развитие детей в специальных (коррекционных) образовательных учреждениях Методическое пособие М.Монтессори Смотреть Упражнения с Монтессори-материалом Методическое пособие Е.Н.Рыжанкова Смотреть Занимательные игры и упражнения с пальчиковой азбукой Библиотека логопеда Н.Ю.Борякова, М.А.Касицына Смотреть Организация коррекционно-педагогического процесса в детском саду для детей с ЗПР В учебно-методическом пособии обобщен многолетний опыт экспериментальной деятельности по обучению и воспитанию дошкольников с ЗПР. А.А.Катаева, Е.А.Стребелева Смотреть Дидактические игры и упражнения в обучении умственно отсталых дошкольников В книге представлена система дидактических игр и упражнений, направленных на коррекцию имеющихся у умственно отсталых дошкольников нарушений в интеллектуальном развитии. М.В.Карпеева Смотреть Развитие речи младших дошкольников: упражнения с пуговицами и дидактические игры Дидактические игры, направленные на закрепление у детей знаний об окружающем мире и общих речевых навыков Ю.А.Фадеева, Г.А.Пичугина Смотреть Игры с прищепками: творим и говорим Методическое пособие
- Родителям | Детский сад № 59
Читаем детям Советы психолога Большая игротека Видиотека Советы логопеда Советы врача "СЕГОДНЯ"
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In a healthy body healthy mind
- Календарь событий | Детский сад № 59
Календарь событий
- 4 ошибки родителей | Детский сад № 59
Is your baby going to kindergarten? If so, you probably want the child to accept the changes in his life as calmly as possible, get along with the educators and other children, and go to the kindergarten every morning with joy and without whims. But often parents do not behave quite correctly and unwittingly prevent the child from adapting to kindergarten. Mistake # 1 - "Mom's Disappearance" When a mother comes with her child to kindergarten for the first time, the baby is often relaxed and interested in what he sees. The fact is that he has not yet had the experience of being in the garden without his mother. That is why children often stay in kindergarten for the first day quite cheerfully, and on the second and third days they already go with resistance. As we know, it is easy to attract the attention of a small child with something new and interesting. Therefore, the baby boldly moves away from his mother and is carried away in the group with new toys and children. Most likely, he had already heard from his mother more than once that his mother would leave him in the group, but in his view, while his mother was waiting for him in the corridor. Or maybe he forgot that mom was going to leave. And this is where the following happens. Mom is very glad that the child was carried away by the game, and quietly, so as not to "scare him", runs away without saying goodbye to the child and not informing him that he is leaving. Now, imagine what a small child feels, whose mother suddenly disappeared into an incomprehensible place, without saying goodbye, and it is not known when she will come and whether she will come at all. For a child, this is like getting lost in a huge supermarket. And even if 10 of the kindest people will calm down the baby and offer him sweets and toys, he will be terribly scared, overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. Even if you have told your child many times that he will be alone in the kindergarten, without a mother, never leave unnoticed. The child has the feeling that now the mother can suddenly disappear at any moment of his life, without warning and without saying goodbye to him, that is, he can simply lose his mother. And he literally "sticks" to her, both psychologically and physically for many months, fearing to lose sight of her. In many cases, the kindergarten simply has to be postponed for at least six months, because the child falls into hysterics at the slightest mention of the kindergarten, not to mention going there. Mistake # 2 - "Long stay" Some parents believe that it is better to leave the child immediately for half a day or a whole day, so that he quickly gets used to the children and the caregiver. This is a mistake. A visit to the kindergarten should be started gradually. There are different visiting patterns recommended by psychologists. The general idea is this: first come and walk in the same playground where the group is walking, then bring the child to the group for 30 minutes - 1 hour during free play activities and wait for the child in the corridor and then pick it up. Gradually, the child gets used to the children, the teacher, and the environment. Then you can leave it alone for 1-2 hours, then from morning until lunchtime, then with lunch, then pick it up after the walk. After a while, leave for lunch and pick up, then leave for a nap and pick up. Then leave it for the whole day. There are no clear guidelines for how long each stage should take. You need to look at the child's well-being and at your maternal intuition. Mistake number 3 - "Wrong daily routine" Many parents do not think about how much the child's day regimen today corresponds to the daily regimen that will need to be adhered to when kindergarten begins. A child who is used to going to bed after 22.00 will find it extremely difficult to wake up at 7 in the morning. And in the kindergarten, as a rule, you need to get up very early. Remember how your baby feels when he hasn't got enough sleep? He rubs his eyes, is capricious, does not understand what he wants, becomes whiny. Children, whom their parents did not transfer to the kindergarten regime of the day, are immediately visible in the group in the morning in the first days. They rub their sleepy eyes, they are whiny and irritable, painfully perceive everything that happens around. The way a child feels in the first days in kindergarten leaves an imprint on his entire subsequent relationship to this place. Remember the saying: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. " This fully applies to kindergarten. In order for the first experience of the child in kindergarten to be colored with positive colors, do not be too lazy to transfer your baby to the correct mode in advance. Then he will be able to wake up easily and go to the group in a good mood! Mistake # 4 - "Quick fees" This error partly overlaps with the previous one. Since the parents feel sorry for waking up the baby and want him to sleep as long as possible, they wake him up almost "end-to-end" by the time when it is already necessary to go to the kindergarten. As a result, the preparations are nervous, hasty, the mother does not have time to give the baby the attention and tenderness that he needs, especially when he is still basking in the bed. The child only hears: "Come on soon", "Come on faster", "We are late for kindergarten", "Then we will talk", etc. Often the baby in the morning still cannot think well and the mother gets irritated, raises her voice and the whole morning turns out to be chaotic and conflicting. Everyone's mood is spoiled, and the child goes to kindergarten in frustrated feelings, just like a mother who no longer has the moral strength to say some kind parting words. Therefore, wake up yourself and wake up the baby in advance so that you have enough time for leisurely gatherings so that you can pay attention to the baby while he is in bed - to massage, stroke the legs and head, sing a song, tickle, kiss and other gentle words actions. All this is so important for a good mood for both of you! Go to the kindergarten in advance, too, with plenty of time, so that you do not get nervous on the way yourself and can set your child up in a positive way.
- Россия | Детский сад № 59
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