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Mishina Svetlana Vladimirovna, senior educator
Merenyukova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, psychologist
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Grandfather and granddaughter, 1950 The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, 1950 Kashtanka, 1952 The Scarlet Flower, 1952 Golden Antelope, 1954 THE SNOW QUEEN Geese-swans, 1949 Brave Hare, 1955 Twelve months, 1956 Moidodyr The Tale of the Dead Princess .., 1951 In a certain kingdom ..., 1957 Peter and Little Red Riding Hood, 1958 Thumb Boy, 1977 Puss in Boots, 1968 Cinderella, 1979 NIELS'S WONDERFUL JOURNEY WITH WILD GEES Cartoons about lazy people who have passed various tests and coped with their shortcomings Мультфильмы по сказкам К.И.Чуковского Мультфильмы по сказкам В.Г.Сутеева
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Конкурсы для педагогов и воспитанников 2022-2023 учебный год Положения и итоги конкурсов. Конкурсы 2021-2022 года (архив) Весь материал по конкурсам 2021-2022 года (положения, итоги, дипломы) можно посмотреть пройдя по ссылке АРХИВ 2020-2021 (дипломы) !! ! ДИПЛОМЫ 2022-2023 Дипломы 2021-2022 смотреть здесь Кнопка Конкурсы по БДД 1. Безопасная дорога-детям Сроки с 1.09 по 15.10.2022 2. Педагогический фестиваль межпредметных проектов по БДД Сроки с 1.08 по 10.09.2022 3. Лучший педагог по обучению основам безопасного поведения на дорогах Сроки с 1.08 по 30.09.2022 Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный Азбука профессий Республиканский конкурс авторских методических разработок профориентационных мероприятий в образовательных организациях Республики Татарстан «Профориентационный марафон» Организатор конкурса Институт Развития Образования РТ (ИРО РТ) Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Платный "Успех каждого ребенка" Городской конкурс для воспитанников групп с ОВЗ, ЗПР, РАС Подать заявку по ссылке здесь до 16.10.22 Сроки проведения конкурса с 1 по 30 ноября 2022 года ИТОГИ ГОРОДСКОГО ЭТАПА Смотреть положение Итог районного этапа Бесплатный "8-й городской конкурс инновационных программ" Городской конкурс инновационных программ и методических разработок Сроки проведения конкурса с 10 по 30 ноября 2022 года Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный Городской конкурс "Электронные образовательные ресурсы в учебно-воспитательном процессе" Городской конкурс инновационных программ и методических разработок на онлайн-платформах Сроки проведения конкурса с 1 ноября по 15 декабря 2022 года Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный Воспитатель -2023 Конкурса профессионального мастерства «Учитель года города Казани-2023» в номинации «Педагог инклюзивного образования» Сроки проведения конкурса декабрь 2022 года Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный Воспитатель -2023 Конкурс «Учитель года города Казани - 2023» в номинации «Воспитатель дошкольного образовательного учреждения - 2023» Сроки проведения конкурса декабрь 2022 года Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный "Буду бдительным на льду и воде" Республиканский конкурс (МОиН РТ) рисунков и видеороликов среди дошкольников Сроки проведения конкурса 18 октября по 30 ноября 2022 года Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный "Сказка в чемодане" Районный конкурс-выставка, посвященный Году национальных культур и традиций в Республике Татарстан, среди образовательных организаций, реализующих программу дошкольного образования Сроки проведения конкурса с 1 ноября 2022 г. по 21 февраля 2023 г Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный "Детское чтение: расширяем границы" Республиканский конкурс организованный «Институтом развития образования Республики Татарстан» Сроки подачи заявки до 30 ноября 2022 г. Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Платный "Визитка ДОУ" Городской конкурс видеовизиток дошкольных образовательных учреждений" С ро ки подачи заявки до 14 апреля 2023 г Смотреть положение Итоги районного этапа Бесплатный "Славим человека труда" Межрегиональный конкурс авторских методических разработок профориентационной направленности «Славим человека труда!» Сро ки подачи заявки до 1 6 февраля 2023 г ССЫЛКА ДЛЯ ПОДАЧИ ЗАЯВКИ Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Платный "В гостях у сказки" Республиканский конкурс для дошкольников, Организатором Конкурса является ГАОУ «Республиканский олимпиадный центр» Министерства образования и науки Республики Татарстан Сро ки подачи заявки до 30 января 2023 г Смотреть положение Итоги будут здесь Платный Конкурсы и олимпиады для дошкольников Республиканские конкурсы и олимпиады для дошкольников, Организатором является ГАОУ «Республиканский олимпиадный центр» Министерства образования и науки Республики Татарстан Смотреть конкурсы Итоги будут здесь Платный "Семейный буккроссинг" Городской конкурс "Семейный буккроссинг" (Удивительный мир книги) проводится в трех номинациях: «Буктрейлер»; «Мультфильм»; «Иллюстрированное пособие по литературному произведению». Сроки подачи заявки с 1 февраля по 12 марта Книги-юбиляры Авторы юбиляры Положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный "Золотая нить" Городской конкурс "Золотая нить" Сроки подачи заявки до 12 апреля 2023 года Положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный "Золотая нить" Городской конкурс "Золотая нить" Сроки подачи заявки до 12 апреля 2023 года Положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный "Золотая нить" Городской конкурс "Золотая нить" Сроки подачи заявки до 12 апреля 2023 года Положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный "Золотая нить" Городской конкурс "Золотая нить" Сроки подачи заявки до 12 апреля 2023 года Положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный "Золотая нить" Городской конкурс "Золотая нить" Сроки подачи заявки до 12 апреля 2023 года Положение Итоги будут здесь Бесплатный
- Документы | Детский сад № 59
Documents If you are patient and diligent, then the seeds of knowledge sown will certainly give good shoots. The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet. Leonardo da Vinci Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on December 8, 2020) Federal State Educational Standard preschool education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 N 1155) A professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications required by an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 18.10.2013 N 544n "On the approval of the professional standard" Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher) ". More details Local regulations of our MADOU More details Нормативные документы Local regulations of our MADOU More details ОТРАСЛЕВОЕ СОГЛАШЕНИЕ между Министерством образования и науки Республики Татарстан и Татарским республиканским комитетом профсоюза работников народного образования и науки на 2021-2023 гг.
- 10 фраз | Детский сад № 59
These 10 phrases, which are very often used by parents, can harm a child's quick and painless adaptation to kindergarten. Some of them scare the child, others deceive him, but all of them interfere with adaptation. Find out what phrases you should forget if your child is going to kindergarten. 1. Learn to eat on your own, because no one will feed you in the garden! In this way, we form the child's negative attitude towards the garden. Better say: “You can already eat yourself, you are already such an adult! I love watching you eat on your own! ” 2. Come on, share the toy - you will have to share in the garden! All toys are common there! For a child, this is not an argument, but in order for the baby to be able to interact with other children, he needs to learn this. Better say: "Look how the boy wants your toy, let's give him a little play, he will play and return!" 3. Don't cry, if you don’t shut up - I’ll send to kindergarten! This is how we intimidate the child, form the impression that it is bad in the garden and there they can offend. 4. Calm down, otherwise I'll leave to spend the night in the kindergarten! Again, we scare the child with the fact that the mother may want to get rid of him, which means that she does not love ... 5. It's not scary there! Do not be afraid! The teacher will not offend you! “Not” is not perceived by the child. The child hears: "You need to be afraid, it's scary in the garden, but the teacher can offend" 6. I will sit with you in a group! (unless you actually intend to do this). This is a lie. By deceiving the baby, we are digging a hole for ourselves, because over time he will cease to trust us, he will begin to deceive himself. Therefore, if you have promised to stay with the child, stay and do not leave until the child agrees to it. 7. I'll buy you ... if you go to the kindergarten! The kid will get used to the fact that every time mom buys something, and over time will begin to manipulate and demand more and more. 8. Any negative about educators, helpers of the child's educator, about kindergarten in general, even just intonation (in the presence of a child). The kid forms an impression of the caregivers from your words. If you respond negatively, then the caregivers are bad, so it is dangerous to stay with them. 9. Don't cry! Look, the other children are not crying! And you ... You shouldn't compare the child with others. Never. In no case! Better say: “You are sad / bitter that you have to be left without your mom. I will miss you too!" 10. The garden is so much fun! There are so many toys! There are so many children! Everyone is playing, having fun! These phrases can arouse high expectations in the child and form the impression that the kindergarten is entertainment, and it will be so beautiful in the garden from the very first day. Therefore, it is better to speak the truth, more restrainedly. Warn that you will have to get to know the children first, that there will be classes in the kindergarten and a teacher who will need to listen carefully.
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Physical instructor Sports game "Follow the path according to the footprints" Sports activities for children in summer Sports activities for children in summer Sports activities for children in summer
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- 4 ошибки родителей | Детский сад № 59
Is your baby going to kindergarten? If so, you probably want the child to accept the changes in his life as calmly as possible, get along with the educators and other children, and go to the kindergarten every morning with joy and without whims. But often parents do not behave quite correctly and unwittingly prevent the child from adapting to kindergarten. Mistake # 1 - "Mom's Disappearance" When a mother comes with her child to kindergarten for the first time, the baby is often relaxed and interested in what he sees. The fact is that he has not yet had the experience of being in the garden without his mother. That is why children often stay in kindergarten for the first day quite cheerfully, and on the second and third days they already go with resistance. As we know, it is easy to attract the attention of a small child with something new and interesting. Therefore, the baby boldly moves away from his mother and is carried away in the group with new toys and children. Most likely, he had already heard from his mother more than once that his mother would leave him in the group, but in his view, while his mother was waiting for him in the corridor. Or maybe he forgot that mom was going to leave. And this is where the following happens. Mom is very glad that the child was carried away by the game, and quietly, so as not to "scare him", runs away without saying goodbye to the child and not informing him that he is leaving. Now, imagine what a small child feels, whose mother suddenly disappeared into an incomprehensible place, without saying goodbye, and it is not known when she will come and whether she will come at all. For a child, this is like getting lost in a huge supermarket. And even if 10 of the kindest people will calm down the baby and offer him sweets and toys, he will be terribly scared, overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. Even if you have told your child many times that he will be alone in the kindergarten, without a mother, never leave unnoticed. The child has the feeling that now the mother can suddenly disappear at any moment of his life, without warning and without saying goodbye to him, that is, he can simply lose his mother. And he literally "sticks" to her, both psychologically and physically for many months, fearing to lose sight of her. In many cases, the kindergarten simply has to be postponed for at least six months, because the child falls into hysterics at the slightest mention of the kindergarten, not to mention going there. Mistake # 2 - "Long stay" Some parents believe that it is better to leave the child immediately for half a day or a whole day, so that he quickly gets used to the children and the caregiver. This is a mistake. A visit to the kindergarten should be started gradually. There are different visiting patterns recommended by psychologists. The general idea is this: first come and walk in the same playground where the group is walking, then bring the child to the group for 30 minutes - 1 hour during free play activities and wait for the child in the corridor and then pick it up. Gradually, the child gets used to the children, the teacher, and the environment. Then you can leave it alone for 1-2 hours, then from morning until lunchtime, then with lunch, then pick it up after the walk. After a while, leave for lunch and pick up, then leave for a nap and pick up. Then leave it for the whole day. There are no clear guidelines for how long each stage should take. You need to look at the child's well-being and at your maternal intuition. Mistake number 3 - "Wrong daily routine" Many parents do not think about how much the child's day regimen today corresponds to the daily regimen that will need to be adhered to when kindergarten begins. A child who is used to going to bed after 22.00 will find it extremely difficult to wake up at 7 in the morning. And in the kindergarten, as a rule, you need to get up very early. Remember how your baby feels when he hasn't got enough sleep? He rubs his eyes, is capricious, does not understand what he wants, becomes whiny. Children, whom their parents did not transfer to the kindergarten regime of the day, are immediately visible in the group in the morning in the first days. They rub their sleepy eyes, they are whiny and irritable, painfully perceive everything that happens around. The way a child feels in the first days in kindergarten leaves an imprint on his entire subsequent relationship to this place. Remember the saying: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. " This fully applies to kindergarten. In order for the first experience of the child in kindergarten to be colored with positive colors, do not be too lazy to transfer your baby to the correct mode in advance. Then he will be able to wake up easily and go to the group in a good mood! Mistake # 4 - "Quick fees" This error partly overlaps with the previous one. Since the parents feel sorry for waking up the baby and want him to sleep as long as possible, they wake him up almost "end-to-end" by the time when it is already necessary to go to the kindergarten. As a result, the preparations are nervous, hasty, the mother does not have time to give the baby the attention and tenderness that he needs, especially when he is still basking in the bed. The child only hears: "Come on soon", "Come on faster", "We are late for kindergarten", "Then we will talk", etc. Often the baby in the morning still cannot think well and the mother gets irritated, raises her voice and the whole morning turns out to be chaotic and conflicting. Everyone's mood is spoiled, and the child goes to kindergarten in frustrated feelings, just like a mother who no longer has the moral strength to say some kind parting words. Therefore, wake up yourself and wake up the baby in advance so that you have enough time for leisurely gatherings so that you can pay attention to the baby while he is in bed - to massage, stroke the legs and head, sing a song, tickle, kiss and other gentle words actions. All this is so important for a good mood for both of you! Go to the kindergarten in advance, too, with plenty of time, so that you do not get nervous on the way yourself and can set your child up in a positive way.
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For educators Didactic games Corner decoration We study professions Crazy hands Riddles Road safety movement Financial literacy Fundamentals of Life Safety Young ecologist Holidays in kindergarten (piggy bank of ideas) Methodical developments Coloring Pages In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ” Games, clepatras, certificates, medals We read to children Preparation for school Preparation for school Preparation for school