Методический сундучок
Mishina Svetlana Vladimirovna, senior educator
Merenyukova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, psychologist
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МАДОУ "Детский сад № 59 комбинированного вида" Советский район г. Казань
These 10 phrases, which are very often used by parents, can harm a child's quick and painless adaptation to kindergarten. Some of them scare the child, others deceive him, but all of them interfere with adaptation. Find out what phrases you should forget if your child is going to kindergarten.
1. Learn to eat on your own, because no one will feed you in the garden! In this way, we form the child's negative attitude towards the garden. Better say: “You can already eat yourself, you are already such an adult! I love watching you eat on your own! ”
2. Come on, share the toy - you will have to share in the garden! All toys are common there! For a child, this is not an argument, but in order for the baby to be able to interact with other children, he needs to learn this. Better say: "Look how the boy wants your toy, let's give him a little play, he will play and return!"
3. Don't cry, if you don’t shut up - I’ll send to kindergarten! This is how we intimidate the child, form the impression that it is bad in the garden and there they can offend.
4. Calm down, otherwise I'll leave to spend the night in the kindergarten! Again, we scare the child with the fact that the mother may want to get rid of him, which means that she does not love ...
5. It's not scary there! Do not be afraid! The teacher will not offend you! “Not” is not perceived by the child. The child hears: "You need to be afraid, it's scary in the garden, but the teacher can offend"
6. I will sit with you in a group! (unless you actually intend to do this). This is a lie. By deceiving the baby, we are digging a hole for ourselves, because over time he will cease to trust us, he will begin to deceive himself. Therefore, if you have promised to stay with the child, stay and do not leave until the child agrees to it.
7. I'll buy you ... if you go to the kindergarten! The kid will get used to the fact that every time mom buys something, and over time will begin to manipulate and demand more and more.
8. Any negative about educators, helpers of the child's educator, about kindergarten in general, even just intonation (in the presence of a child). The kid forms an impression of the caregivers from your words. If you respond negatively, then the caregivers are bad, so it is dangerous to stay with them.
9. Don't cry! Look, the other children are not crying! And you ... You shouldn't compare the child with others. Never. In no case! Better say: “You are sad / bitter that you have to be left without your mom. I will miss you too!"
10. The garden is so much fun! There are so many toys! There are so many children! Everyone is playing, having fun! These phrases can arouse high expectations in the child and form the impression that the kindergarten is entertainment, and it will be so beautiful in the garden from the very first day. Therefore, it is better to speak the truth, more restrainedly. Warn that you will have to get to know the children first, that there will be classes in the kindergarten and a teacher who will need to listen carefully.